For those of us who enjoy a healthy outdoor lifestyle, the need to be extremely vigilant against the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun has never been greater. Dr. Ptak feels that one of the most beneficial rejuvenating procedures you can do for yourself, from both an aesthetic and medical benefit, is a chemical peel skin resurfacing.
This procedure removes the damaged upper layer of the skin (epidermis) forcing it to regrow from much deeper epidermal cells that line hair follicles, while also stimulating new supporting collagen growth in the middle layers of the skin (dermis). From both a clinical and microscopic assessment it is evident that after a peel your skin aging has been reversed many years if not decades.
Who is a Candidate?
Chemical peels are beneficial for people with facial blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation (caused by sun exposure, prescription drugs, or disease). It is also beneficial for people with enlarged facial pores, superficial acne scars of the face, and age spots. Chemical peels may also take off superficial precancerous growths that could have eventually required surgical excisions. There are numerous light, medium, and deep chemical peels. Ask Dr. Ptak which peel would be most appropriate for you.
Procedure Information
The procedure usually takes less than one hour and is done on an outpatient basis under sedation and local or general anesthesia. Dr. Ptak strongly recommends his patients have a series of skin care treatments prior to the surgical peel. These skin care treatments are done within the office by highly skilled aestheticians and should be done every 1-2 weeks for a total of 3 treatments prior to your peel. Light and medium depth peels do not require anesthesia other than a mild sedative. After preparing the skin, a series of solutions may be applied. Depending on the individual, usually a cold ice pack is all that is necessary to control the transient burning sensation that only lasts a few minutes.
Postoperative Healing
Dr. Ptak and his skin care staff will send you home with specific written instructions. The treated areas are washed, and medicated lotions are usually applied several times daily. After light peels, the treated skin turns red or pink and heals without crusting. After medium or deep peels, a superficial crust or membrane usually forms and peels off 3-7 days later like a sunburn blister- revealing a new skin surface that is smoother. The skin redness after deeper peels fades in a month or two. Makeup and a return to a normal daily routine is usually possible in 7-10 days after a peel.
Other Options
Additional procedures that would enhance the result are other facial cosmetic procedures such as CO2 Laser.